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UK: Retractable greenhouses planned at historic fruit business

A historic Kent farming business is seeking permission to erect almost 30 acres of retractable roof greenhouses for soft fruit production alongside a new storage building and reservoir.

G Charlton and Sons is based at Rumwood Green Farm, Langley, and specialises in apple and strawberry production.

Acting on behalf of the business, DHA Planning has submitted planning documents outlining a proposal for the erection of Cravo greenhouses across 29.5 acres of arable land to the north of Ulcombe village.

The Cravo greenhouses are said to be necessary to provide protection for the fruit from frost and rain during the early part of the growing season and to provide protection from pests and create heat during the ripening period, producing high quality and increased fruit yield to meet customers' and markets' demand.

Read more at Insider Media (Laurence Kilgannon)
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