Phytoponics, an award winning AgTech start-up, has developed new Deep Water Culture hydroponic technology that has been used to grow a large crop of tomatoes, resulting in improved crop yield and enhanced quality of produce. The technology’s success has attracted a major commercial grower that has agreed to work closely with Phytoponics using the company’s new Deep Water Culture system at scale for their 2019 tomato crop season.
In addition to tomatoes Phytoponics technology can deliver similar results for other edible crop types and as such the company is now seeking other commercial growing partners who are interested in running co-funded trials. The company is keen to hear from growers interested in:
- High wire vegetables
- Fruit (cane, bushes and vine)
- Floriculture (perennial)
- Espalier tree crops (protected)
- Exotics (all kinds including root crops and dragonfruit)
- High value plant products (pharmaceutical, cosmetic and functional foods)
Complementing their new technology, Phytoponics has developed new agronomic understandings surrounding root physiology and morphology in hydroponics that can enable a much wider variety of plants to be grown successfully using their patented system. This offers commercial opportunities for competitive yield and quality control beyond those currently available for certain plants.
Phytoponics are willing to co-fund and manage small 20-100 m2 trials with commercial growing partners with the aim of establishing commercially relevant yield, quality data and best practises with the intent to upscale with the commercial partner post trial. Trials can be performed on either the commercial partner site, or at Phytoponics’ facilities.
Interested companies are invited to send an inquiry detailing proposed crop and requirements to:
[email protected] or call Adam Dixon on +44 (0) 2921880216