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India: Aquaponics unit gets off the ground in Ludhiana vet varsity

Sanjay Dhotre Union minster of state for education, communication and electronics and IT, on Wednesday virtually inaugurated an ‘Aquaponics vertical farming system’ developed at Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (GADVASU).

The system was established by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC), Mohali, under the collaborative project funded by ministry of electronics and information technology (MEITY), GOI.

Dhotre emphasised on the need to modernise food production sectors to double farmers’ income and enhance climate change resilience among the farming community.

He said that aquaponics is a promising technology for organic farming and there is a need to publicise such technologies for the wellbeing of the environment and human.

Read more at the Hindustan Times

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