Will marijuana users pay more for weed that is grown using organic production methods? Some Denver-area growers say yes and they want to see the state create a certification for cannabis grown without toxic or synthetic fertilizers, GMOs or artificial preservatives or colors.
“Consumers deserve to know that there is organic and conventional,” said L’Eagle Services dispensary owner Amy Andrle. “Not that there’s anything wrong with conventional, but some people want to make that choice.”
Andrle said her dispensary near 6th Avenue and I-25 in Denver uses organic growing and production methods and she explains this to customers. However, she said she feels growers who use such methods would benefit from the state creating a set of rules to follow and a specific organic-like designation.
“I would love it if the state came up with a designation that recognized organic efforts,” she said.
Andrle and a handful of other growers and industry trade groups are pushing the idea. Currently, some private companies offer the designation but having a state-wide designation would be powerful, growers have said.