Include your free listing in the HortiDaily FloralDaily Greenhouse Guide
Are you interested in expanding your network?
Make sure to register your free listing in the HortiDaily / FloralDaily Greenhouse Guide!
Please send an email to [email protected] to include your free listing.
The Greenhouse Guide is published by the teams of and
In print and online
In total 7,500 copies will be printed and distributed free of charge at a key selection of international trade shows. The Greenhouse Guide is also published online. The latest edition can be found here.
Check out the Greenhouse Guide online
Third edition coming up
A third edition of the Buyer's Guide is coming up in 2018. The book will be expanded with even morecontact details of suppliers for the greenhouse industry.
Now is the chance to include your free listing or gain even more attention with a clickable advertisement.
Are you a horticultural or floricultural supplier? Do you work internationally?
Then please send an email to [email protected] to include your free listing.