The new Fenix catalog was launched earlier this year. THe company shows the market the fruits of its research and innovation work in the field of professional vegetables and aromatic seed varieties. "An increasingly wide and diversified list of hybrids to meet the needs of a growing number of farmers and consumers aiming to continuous improvement and development", the team says.
"A complete range of hybrids to meet the requirements of the supply chain", the team shares. "The catalogue opens with the well-known premium basil varieties resistant to downy mildew (DM 0-1) and fusarium belonging to the Prospera Active range, which continue to be chosen by farmers as a starting point for an integrated fight against one of the most dangerous pathogens for the crops of the most widespread Mediterranean aromatic herb."
The group is joined by the short-internode variety Renee F1, which is particularly suitable to produce compact and elegant pots, and Thai Thai.
"Genetic resistance and quality for the fresh market", is the description. It includes good news for the Nantes FX 2694 F1 and FX 2695 F1, promoted with flying colors after meeting the expectations of the growers who tested them in terms of yield, quality and shelf life and now preparing for a season of tests extended to the whole national territory, also strengthened by a good package of intermediate genetic resistances to alternaria (Ad) and powdery mildew (Pm). Added to these is the FX 2582 F1 which proves to be particularly suitable for the central-northern areas of the peninsula.
Regarding tomatoes, there are ToBRFV-resistant novelties in the cluster, cherry and mini plum segments. "Among the most anticipated novelties of this year we find the cluster tomato FX 1648 F1, becoming part of the commercial hybrids range under the name of Carmelian F1. The variety has proven to adapt well to the transplanting windows that go from September to January in Sicily, and from February to July in central Italy and it has a vigorous plant that produces clusters of 6 fruits of an intense and attractive bright red arranged in an orderly manner on an elegant fishbone-shaped rachis. Among the other characteristics of this promising variety, an average size of the fruit that stands at 140 grams and an exceptional consistency that gives considerable shelf life. Last but not least, a long set of genetic resistances including ToBRFV (IR)."
As for small size tomatoes, samples of the new FX 3108 F1, FX 3148 F1 and FX 3206 F1 cherry tomatoes will be available on request, as well as for the promising mini plum tomato FX 3153 F1. All of them are joined by intermediate resistance to ToBRFV, TYLCV and nematodes.
A careful look at the typical types of the Italian market! "As for the tomato, the first varieties arrive from the pepper breeding program that emphasizes those types of products particularly appreciated and requested by the national market", the team shares. "FX 2167 F1 is characterized by excellent flavor, high yield, fruit shine and intermediate resistance to TSWV, and it has also shown good adaptability to both greenhouse and open field cultivation. The Dulce Italiano FX 2837 F1 shows a compact and opaque plant with dark red fruits characterized by a very thick wall, and the yellow lamuyo FX 3309 F1, is also characterized by a strong dark-green plant, thick fruit walls, excellent toning color and high yield."
For onions, there are new proposals in the intermediate and long day segment. "After the launch of the short-day range, with varieties that have shown good adaptability to the southern-Sicilian area such as the white FX 2576 F1, new proposals arrive for areas suited to the cultivation of intermediate and long-day onions with different golden, red and white varieties united by a good level of resistance to pink root rot, significant yields and long shelf life for storage."
These varieties are flanked by hybrids that are now established in their respective segments such as the mini plum tomatoes Miele F1, Duci F1, Kendall F1, Nettarino F1 and the wide range of rootstocks for tomatoes (Securforce F1 and Rootpower F1), eggplant (Black Devil F1), pepper (Pepperstorm F1), cucurbits (Shintoza F1) and mini/midi watermelons (Robusta F1).
For more information:
Fenix Seeds
Via Roma 60/62, Belpasso (CT)
Tel. +39 095 8369384
[email protected]