HPWinner, a producer of LED fixtures, is expanding its line of Digital Electricity enabled horticulture LEDs.
Digital Electricity is a great technological innovation that enables growers to centralize LED power supplies in an electrical room and use ethernet-like wiring methods to distribute both power, lighting controls, and monitoring to LEDs in greenhouses and indoor farms. The technology significantly reduces the cost of building CEA facilities while lowing electricity and maintenance costs.
This technological development further strengthens the company's ability to help indoor and greenhouse growers centralize LED power supplies and reduce costs while improving efficiency, reliability, control, and performance monitoring.
"Early on, we recognized that centralizing LED drivers outside of growing rooms would lead to more resilient farm designs and improve the growing environments. The challenge has always been how to distribute DC safely and cost-effectively over distances that can be as much as hundreds of feet. Digital Electricity allows us to accomplish just that without the danger associated with DC power," said Jacky Gao, HPWinner's Director of horticulture lighting.
This, combined with HPWinner's ability to provide growers with a 10-year warranty for IP68 fixtures that are customized for their specific growing needs, gives growers truly industrial-grade solutions and pricing.
"We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to work with an industry leader like HPWinner. The company has hundreds of patents and national awards, including China's prestigious National High-Tech Enterprise Award and hundreds of millions in annual revenues. Few companies are better positioned to transform the CEA industry," says Stephen Eaves, CEO of VoltServer.
Hangzhou HPWinner Opto Corporation builds fully functional customized solutions for the global outdoor lighting and horticulture LED industry. With over 700 patents, the company's advanced energy-saving lighting technology enables solutions to be tailored to individual growers at competitive prices. The company's manufacturing facility is over 1 million square feet large and employs over 600 people.
VoltServer is a venture-backed technology leader reinventing how electrical energy is distributed. VoltServer's patented Digital Electricity solutions deliver safe electricity where, when, and how it is needed. Digital Electricity can be delivered using an off-the-shelf data cable at a significantly reduced cost and with greater speed, power, distance, efficiency, intelligence, and flexibility when compared to competing electrical installations.
VoltServer and Digital Electricity are trademarks of VoltServer, Inc.
For more information:
Zhixiang Gao (Jacky)
Director of Horticulture Lighting Division
Email: [email protected]