A recent New World initiative that does away with plastic film can't come soon enough for some shoppers. In the past, the supermarket got a dressing down for over-the-top plastic use. Foodstuffs spokeswoman Antoinette Laird said as New World upgraded or built new stores, it would be aiming at this new policy in produce departments.
The initiative used a "misting system" to keep fruit and veg fresh and in good condition without the need for plastic, she said. "The plastic-free produce is much appreciated by customers – and is also resulting in reduced wastage.”
Six stores had adopted "Project Naked" with more conversions planned, she said. New World Bishopdale was one of the first to adopt "project naked", or as owner Nigel Bond called it "food in the nude". Bond told SupermarketNews the customer feedback had been the most positive he had received in his 30 years in the industry.
Source: stuff.co.nz