Affinor's focus is to become the leading technology developer and supplier of vertical farming equipment, dramatically increasing the economics of farming, improving food security and increasing agriculture production for high value crops. Affinor continues to focus on strawberry development, but will also begin testing other crops including kale, leafy greens and cannabis. Affinor will continue to grow and harvest strawberries, kale and leafy greens with our beta prototypes installed at the University of Fraser Valley throughout the winter and spring 2018, as well as conduct cannabis trials at a separate third party licensed facility. The focus will continue on standardizing crop models and determining best practices for commercialization.
Affinor's goal over the next year is to shift from a development to an operational company by generating revenue from vertical tower sales, license agreements and introducing new agriculture technologies. They have numerous license agreements under negotiations with international and local companies as well as several current license holders under construction with equipment orders pending.
Commercial Farm in Abbotsford
Affinor expects to commission 32 towers with our license holder in Abbotsford British Columbia. These towers are capable of growing over 21,000 strawberry plants in a 10,000 square foot facility, compared to over 40,000 square feet required in field growing. The project is expected to be complete in the spring of 2018 for the next growing season. The facility will be one of the first license holders to commercially produce products using Affinor technology. Construction continues and all the construction permits have been granted, the foundation has been poured, frames holding the towers have been designed and ordered, and all greenhouse metal frames, truss and supports, have been erected and installed. The final component, the translucent polycarbonate cover to enclose and complete the greenhouse, will be installed over the next several months.
Beta Prototype Testing Update
The summer 2017 trials using two 4 level beta prototype towers at the University of the Fraser Valley Surrey BC location in the agriculture research greenhouse is now complete. Affinor's next objective is to produce strawberries throughout the winter with customized LED supplemental lighting for fruiting crops and diversify the crop trials with kale during the winter 2018.
Affinor and Cannabis Production
Affinor will continuing allow third parties to test cannabis on its growing technology, furthering yields and output by developing new crop models for short, high producing cannabis plants specific to the needs of the vertical towers, at licensed sites. A second trial using the smaller 4 level 16 arm tower will begin in November 2017. This test will be used to showcase the technology for personal use growers and to prove to commercial growers the larger scale viability. Affinor is still negotiating with cannabis growers throughout North America to help facilitate a larger pilot plant cannabis growth trial.
The test previously planned with THC BioMed to use the growing technology for their cultivation is not proceeding at this time as they feel they cannot contribute any more to testing than Affinor are currently conducting. Once complete, they might be interested in proceeding with a multi-tower pilot trial.
Affinor’s option to purchase an LP application located in British Columbia is still under review as the applicants have not received their license to cultivate. Affinor continues to help and support the applicant throughout the process, as well as, review other late stage applications.
License Agreements and Sales
Affinor continues to negotiate several license agreements with various companies to use technology based on Affinor's beta prototype concepts and preliminary production results. Each license agreement has the potential to generate significant equipment sales, long term royalties, ownership options and joint venture partnerships.