The check presentation happened during MedMen's exclusive investors party on Thursday at the Rio Hotel & Casino, where the 5th Annual Marijuana Business Conference & Expo recorded its highest attendance to date following last week's sweeping victory of marijuana-related measures in several states. The election results could add as much as $8 billion in legal cannabis sales by 2020.
"Last week our industry scored a big victory," said MedMen CEO Adam Bierman. "But the fight is not over, and it is important for us to remember how we got here. This would not have happened without the tireless work of ant-Prohibition advocates, fighting to reform our broken drug laws."
Mr. Bierman presented the check to MPP Executive Director Rob Kampia during a small, private ceremony. The check represents MedMen's commitment to donate 1 percent of its $100 million Opportunity Fund to MPP and its cause. The Fund, launched this summer, has been raising private equity and investing in projects throughout North America.