The GoldenRed, GoldenOrange and GoldenYellow
And there's something new from Nursery 't Woudt. In addition to the Juanita, which is sold under the two labels Chica and GoldenRed, two new varieties are coming. Paul van Koppen said, "Starting today, we'll be adding two new colours: the Golden Orange and the Golden Yellow. You see that happen more often in snack tomatoes – tomatoes in other colours – but hardly ever in cherry vine tomatoes." Starting this week, this production has also been set in motion.
Nursery 't Woudt wasn't directly affected by the Russian embargo, but they did feel the consequences indirectly. "We didn't sell a lot of our produce in Russia, but the boycott has caused prices on the European market to come under pressure."
For more information on sales, call Cor Berkhout (+31(0)180-657804) or Ronald v.d. Berg (+31(0)180-657975) of the Greenery.
For more information:
Kwekerij 't Woudt
Molenlaan 2
2636 AR Schipluiden
T: +31(0)15 – 3808464
E: [email protected]