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CA (ON): Province awards $772,500 to Flowers Canada Inc.

Ontario’s Rural Economic Development program awards $772,500, over a two year term, to Flowers Canada (Ontario) Inc. (FCO) to improve marketing of Ontario-grown flowers and plants. Flowers and plants provide a number of benefits and are a vital part of our life.

The funding will build on FCO’s established pickOntario marketing initiative which aims to engage and educate consumers about Ontario grown flowers and plants, to ‘buy local’ and to inspire further innovation and growth throughout all parts of the floriculture sector.

FCO currently supports over 212 floriculture greenhouses that have a combined production space of 29.7 million square feet, throughout rural areas of Ontario with the majority of the farmers located in the Niagara Peninsula. These floral farmers produce fresh cut flowers, bedding plants, potted plants and propagation material, employ over 7500 people, and use the latest innovations in greenhouse farming. Ontario is the third largest producer of greenhouse floriculture products in North America and generates $736 million in farm gate sales.

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