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Hydro Duplex : work, relax and grow

With a scarcity in land sources available for building new homes and commercial spaces, architects around the world are planning to building multipurpose buildings that can work as mini-cities. While most of these projects are designed on a large-scale, the Hydro Duplex by RCDF Studio is different. It’s a duplex building that is divided into three components – residential, work and hydroponic garden.

Designed for the future urbanity, the building features a circulation path that asymmetrically carves through the site to bring in the sidewalk pedestrian experience within the complex. The lower level of the building provides space for work, while the upper level is dedicated to the residential space. An expansive roof deck provides all the space needed to set up a hydroponic garden.

The self-sufficient building features the use of thermal parabolic generators above the hydroponic greenhouse that will reduce power usage. Further, a black water filtration system has also been included to reduce water consumption. The design team claims that the roof top hydroponic greenhouse could create enough produce for those living in the duplex and the surrounding neighborhood too.

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