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Win-win: water management and energy generation with click system floating solar panels

Generating electricity for own use or third parties, both are possible with floating solar panels. Beneficial side effect: better water quality. Connectum realizes projects on water basins, among other things. The company operates in the Benelux countries, Germany and France. It works through local installation partners. Jan Leenknegt describes two examples.

At Wetteren-based Vandaflowers, an installation was built by Extrapower on two of their water basins, using the Connectum Clicfloats system... Subsequently, a ground installation was also built on a site that can also be flooded. "So the system can be used more widely than just on water surfaces, but also on flood plains and wadis."

This grower works through a right of superficies, explains Jan. "He gives a surface right to a party who is interested in producing energy there for third parties. For him, there is the advantage of having better water quality and much less evaporation. This way there is a win-win."

At another plant grower, Hozerca Plants from Wingene, a project has also been installed. In this case, it is to provide its energy supply, the business developer knows. "In the summer months, there is a lot of extra energy consumption because of the pumps. So the consumption profile at this grower matches the generation profile of the solar panels quite well, which makes for very nice savings."

The Wuustwezel-based company has also already realized projects for tomato and pepper growers. The first project was realized at fruit vegetable grower VW Maxburg in the spring of 2021.

Connectum solar panel system at VW Maxburg

The unique fiberglass-reinforced system immediately stands out because of its special design. "Unlike other traditional plastic floating systems, the island-shaped design of Clicfloats makes the system very robust and stable. Also, the simplicity of the clic system makes it easy and quick to install."

In addition to Clicfloats, the company also offers 'Icos'. These are floating polyhedral 'spheres', which are partially filled with water. In this way, the water surface is covered, ensuring much less evaporation and no algae growth.

Icos on water basin strawberry grower Lambrechts. Last year, the grower opened a new farm.

For more information:
Jan Leenknegt
+32 460 947408
[email protected]