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UK: Over a ton of produce donated to charity by Thanet Earth Centre of Excellence

The Thanet Earth Centre of Excellence in greenhouse growing has had a bumper opening year, with a tonne of its produce being redistributed by a national food charity.

The centre, which is the first in the UK, was officially unveiled at Hadlow College in Tonbridge this summer and is a groundbreaking partnership between the college, leading industry grower Thanet Earth, research and innovation organisation Growing Kent & Medway and a number of other organisations in the greenhouse industry, including the food charity FareShare.

During 2024 it donated a tonne of its produce to FareShare, providing the equivalent of 2,260 meals and supporting 27 charity and community groups the food charity, and one of the sponsors of the Centre of Excellence has revealed.

Alan Harvey, Head of Horticulture, Hadlow College, said: "It has been a fantastic first year working with our partners and sponsors and to see so much produce distributed by FareShare is very important to us and our students".

Read more at Isle of Thanet News

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