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12-16 May Bucharest hosted the European Horticulture Congress

12-16 May 2024, the 5th European Horticultural Congress, this time organized by the University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine Bucharest and Romanian Society of Horticulturists, in the Palace of the Romanian Parliament. Organized under the auspices of the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) and the high patronage of Romanian Academy, the event was attended by more than 800 guests from about 70 countries and more than 1000 scientific papers were registered.

The European Horticultural Congress provided a great opportunity for education and research, contributing to the international exchange of ideas and promoting European concepts for transforming urban environments into green cities. Bringing this international event to Romania gave students, researchers, teachers and professionals access to leading experts and innovations in the field of horticulture, strengthening national and international collaborations.

Several technical tours were organized. On 14th of May more than 100 participants visited the demo plot of Research and Development Institute for Fruit Culture (ICDP) in Pitesti-Mărăcineni, where the product of 9 years of fruitful collaboration with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Romania and Dutch companies was shown.


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