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40% increase in exhibitors shows international enthusiasm

Thailand: Horti Asia 2024 in full swing

In Thailand, HortiAsia 2024 kicked off this week at BITEC, Bangkok. In addition to horticultural suppliers, several flower companies are present to show their products to the Thai market, and international visitors.

Kuno Jacobs, Nova Exhibitions, Mirjam Boekestein, Dutch Greenhouse Delta, and Jan Hoogewoning. Thanks Jan and Kuno for the great photos!

Osmocote being protomed by ICL

The show, which co-locates with agricultural show Agritechnica Asia, focuses on innovation and technology in horticulture. Unitedly, the two events welcome 353 companies from 28 countries, with approximately 150 companies listed at the HortiAsia event. This 40% increase, in comparison to the 2022 edition, is something the organizers are very pleased with. They expect 10,000 visitors, of which 40% are international. The top 3 visiting countries are India, China, and the Philippines.

The Royal Base Sunpride flowers

Team Klasmann Deilman

The team with DL Plastics

Last edition still dealt with the aftermath of the pandemic, and as can be seen on the trade floor and the exhibitors list, Chinese suppliers finally found their way back to the event. In addition, many Thai companies are present of course, as well as Korean and Taiwanese exhibitors. The list is completed with exhibitors from the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, and many other countries.

Apart from the trade show, several knowledge sessions are taking place. For example, a Thai-Dutch Session "Innovation and Sustainable Horticulture: A Thai-Dutch Inspiration in Global Context" is organized.

2025 HortEx
As of 2025 Agritechnica Asia will be co-located with the HortEx exhibition of Nova Exhibitions (The Netherlands) and will alternate between Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam and Bangkok, Thailand.

For more information:
Nova Exhibitions

Horti Asia