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Ukrainian farm expands production despite challenges of war

Pan Bilan Farm, renowned beyond its Odessa region, supplies fresh vegetables, salads, greens, and berries to top local eateries and supermarket chains. Over nearly 20 years, the farm has established several successful operations across 80 hectares, including seedling production in a greenhouse complex and outdoor and indoor vegetable and berry farming.

Pan Bilan Farm was one of the first in southern Ukraine to produce cassette seedlings and industrial-scale salads. Each year, they produce millions of vegetable seedlings in trays for large and small farms. With increasing demand, the farm delivers hundreds of tons of salads and greens to the fresh market. They now cultivate edible flowers, essential oil plants, organic medicinal herbs, and spices under the Green Eco Line brand.

Additionally, the farm grows flowers and ornamental plants for landscape design under the Floiren brand.

Despite challenges caused by the ongoing war, the farm remains resilient and adaptive. Investments are underway in expanding and modernising their greenhouse complex, improving energy efficiency, and automating irrigation systems.

Plans include expanding exports independently to European countries.

They are also exploring hydroponic potted salad production in greenhouses. To replace the reduced salad segment, they have introduced open-field vegetable cultivation, focusing on borscht ingredients, which are always in demand by supermarkets.

Pan Bilan Farm has established a reputation as a quality producer and reliable partner in the agribusiness sector over the years.


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