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China: Tomato prices are higher than the same period in previous years

Locally produced tomatoes, popular in the summer, have been on the Chinese market for over half a month. As the temperature rises, merchants have recently started actively selling. However, compared to previous years, merchants report a significant reduction in tomato production volume in the two major production areas of Shanghai and Zhejiang. Early low temperatures affected the tomato fruit setting rate, leading to a decrease in yield. The second crop of tomatoes has just launched on the market, and high-quality supplies are scarce, resulting in prices remaining at ¥4.4-4.8 per kilogram.

Additionally, due to the reduced early supply of local tomatoes in Shanghai this year, the current market mainly features tomatoes from Qingzhou, Yucheng, and Shouguang production areas in Shandong. The wholesale price has remained stable at ¥95-100 per box (18 kilograms), which is ¥10-15 higher than the same period in previous years.

Notably, this year has seen a significant increase in taste-oriented tomatoes, with Shanghai and Zhejiang also beginning to grow these varieties. The market price for Provence tomatoes is ¥80-85 per box (net weight 10 kilograms) and Strawberry tomatoes are priced at ¥60-65 per box (net weight 5 kilograms).

Source: Shanghai Jiangqiao

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