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USMCA seasonal perishable products weekly update

Light demand and slow movement of avocados from Mexico continues

Avocados from Mexico continued to experience light demand and slow movement. Shippers are hoping to see more activity in the upcoming week with advertisements breaking for the Memorial Day holiday. Movement from Mexico crossings through Texas is expected to decrease slightly. Trading is slow Prices of conventional 84s and Organic 48-60s are generally unchanged, others are lower.

Blueberries replaced strawberries, as the number of growing areas for shipping strawberries declined while demand for blueberries increased.

Cucumber supplies from Mexico crossings through Nogales, Arizona are plentiful. However, movement is expected to decrease as the season is nearing its end. Trading is moderate. Prices are lower. 1 1/9-bushel cartons medium are mostly 10.95-11.95, fair quality are mostly 8.95-9.95, ordinary quality are 4.95-5.95; small are mostly 6.95-7.95; large are mostly 7.95-9.95; cartons 24s are 5.95-6.95, 36s are 6.95-7.95. Quality is variable. Movement from Mexico crossings through Texas is expected about the same. Trading is moderate.

Green Bell Peppers from Mexico crossings through Nogales, Arizona movement are expected to decrease seasonally as temperatures are getting hotter in the growing areas causing a wide range in quality and condition as. Trading is moderate. Prices are lower. 1 1/9-bushel cartons extra-large are 12.95-14.95, large are mostly 10.95, medium are 6.95-8.95, irregular size fair quality are 6.95-8.95. Quality and condition are variable.

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