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Philippines: Dept of Science and Tech developed automated greenhouse for lettuce and Tilapia

The Department of Science and Technology (DOST)-funded 'Project ATLANTIS' developed aquaponic greenhouse farming using Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to address the time-consuming task of tracking and regulating plant nutrients, water quality, and other parameters influencing the growth of tilapia and vegetables such as lettuce.

The project is a collaborative undertaking between Batangas State University (BatStateU) and Turbulent Drip Sales Incorporated (TDSI), a private corporation in Tagaytay City, notable for its greenhouse production of high-value vegetables.

"Through R&D, the typical wastes generated in aquaculture are minimized and recirculated, making them available as nutrients for vegetable production. This makes aquaponics farming operations sustainable and more efficient… This will enable our local farmers with viable options to grow vegetables and edible aquatic species exponentially, with limited reliance on harmful pesticides and practices," said DOST Secretary Renato U. Solidum, Jr.

Project ATLANTIS is an innovative method and sustainable farming practice, which combines aquaculture and hydroponics under a greenhouse environment. The nutrients from the tilapia wastes are used for growing lettuce.

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