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Vietnamese agricultural products gain global popularity

Vietnam's agricultural sector witnessed a notable growth in 2023, with fruit and vegetable exports soaring to USD 5.6 billion, marking a 66.7% increase from the previous year. This surge is attributed to heightened demand in key markets such as China, the EU, and Korea. The General Department of Customs reports that the export turnover of agricultural and aquatic products cumulatively reached USD 32.5 billion, up by 5.3% from 2022, and making up approximately 9.1% of Vietnam's total export revenue.

The fruits and vegetables category led the charge in agricultural exports, with durian exports notably surpassing dragon fruit to become the top commodity, constituting 55.4% of the total fruit export value at USD 2.24 billion—a 430% increase from the previous year. Despite a 3.8% decrease in value, dragon fruit maintained its position as the second-largest export, though its share halved to 15.2%. Other fruits like jackfruit, mango, passion fruit, and pistachios also saw significant export growth, ranging between 34-44%.

Market diversification has played a crucial role in this export growth, with Vietnam expanding its agricultural product footprint in several major markets. Notably, exports to China experienced a robust increase, alongside significant upticks in trade with Korea, Germany, and Canada.

Source: Vietnam Agriculture

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