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Understanding and controlling Rhizoctonia root rot

Even though much of New Jersey has had wet weather recently, which is more favorable to Pythium and Phytophthora development, Rhizoctonia root rot has been reported over the past few weeks in a number of crops. Rhizoctonia root rot, caused by Rhizoctonia solani, is an important soil-borne fungal pathogen with a very large host range. The pathogen can survive saprophytically on living or dead plant material (organic matter) or as sclerotia in the soil (for more than 3 years). Disease development is favored by warm temperatures, dry (or very well drained) soils and stressed plants.

Symptoms of Rhizoctonia root rot may begin as stunted plant growth (with poor root systems) with the appearance of brown lesions at the base of the stem causing wilting with lesions eventually girdling the stem and killing the infected plant. Rhizoctonia root rot infections only extend about an inch above the soil surface, unlike Phytophthora blight infection which can extend much farther up the stem.

Click here for more information on Rhizoctonia root rot.

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