Most of the world sees plant residues as a low-value waste product, but when Peter Klein discovered that they are full of nutrients, he started Biota Nutri. Since that time, it has become apparent that the waste streams are indeed bursting with nutrients, and the company is continuously working on ways to increase the value of plant residue streams. With the high organic NPK 5-2-2 HO, Biota Nutri has succeeded in making an exceptionally high concentration of amino, humic, and fulvic acids available to the plant in addition to the usual Nitrogen, Phosphate, and Potassium.
High organic fertilizers
While contacting potential customers, Peter discovered differences in demand. "While our main target group is interested in clear plant-based liquid fertilizers for their high-end systems, there is a lot of potential for more economical variations, and I actually knew for a long time that we had this within reach." Biota Nutri is now making high-organic fertilizers from lower-value plant-based residual flows. These NPK fertilizers contain considerably more organic matter and are, therefore, not clear liquids. Thanks to the patented production process, in addition to the usual nutrients, a large number of amino, humic, and fulvic acids become available to the plant. "These make the product interesting for almost every crop, and besides the high nutrient content, our mechanical bioprocessing produces a very refined and effective product," Peter says.
Biota Nutri
In 2017, entrepreneur and fertilizer specialist Peter Klein started developing 100% organic fertilizers from agricultural and horticultural residual flows. This not only significantly reduces CO2 emissions but also promotes soil health without the harsh chemicals of traditional fertilizers. By offering a wide range of plant-based fertilizers, Biota Nutri wants to stimulate more sustainable cultivation of vegetables and other crops.
For more information:
Peter KleinBiota Nutri