The landscape around the Ever Green House in Gering got a boost from the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum’s (NSA) Waterwise Landscapes funding program this year. Ever Green House received $7,000 in grant funding from NSA, which was matched with local funds and volunteer support.
This past summer, NSA staff and Ever Green House volunteers used the funds to create a bioswale alongside the Ever Green House’s greenhouse to capture water running off the roof and help prevent erosion. A bioswale is a channel planted with grasses, sedges, and other native plants to help concentrate and convey water runoff while at the same time removing debris and pollution.
Waterwise Landscapes was created to help Nebraska communities protect and conserve our water resources. These projects help collect and filter rainwater runoff, as well as create landscapes that use less water than traditional landscaping or high-input turf. Waterwise Landscapes is coordinated by the NSA and is funded by the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy.
Between the 2022 and 2023 planting seasons, more than $38,000 is being distributed to support eight specific Waterwise Landscapes projects – including the Ever Green House bioswale planting -- in six Nebraska communities. Each funding recipient is required to match the award with local funds and volunteer support.
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