Walk to the path by the Greenhouses across from the Fine Arts Center. Find the Horridge Conservatory and cross through that warm and bright space, teeming with unique specimens. Pass by the indoor koi pond and take a right at the greenhouse’s end. Walk by the College of the Environment and Life Sciences’ class spaces until you come to a sign. You’ve made your way to the newest art exhibit at the University of Rhode Island.
“Some Food We Could Not Eat” is installed in a URI greenhouse, both for practical purposes (the Fine Arts building is undergoing renovation) and aesthetics. Gallery Director Rebecca Levitan started at URI last year, coming here with the goal of bringing art to people who might not usually encounter it. In this exhibition, she hoped to venture into new, not necessarily “white gallery wall,” spaces on campus. So the secret-garden feel to one’s path to the greenhouse is part of the viewer’s artistic journey.
With a gallery exhibit about food as art, what better place to travel or view it than through the University’s working greenhouses?
The exhibit is open 8 a.m. through 4 p.m. this fall, Monday through Friday (excluding holidays), running in conjunction with the University’s 2022 Honors Colloquium, “Just Good Food,” which focuses on food systems.
Read the complete article at www.uri.edu.