The winter harvest in Burgenland's greenhouses will be meager. "Some firms will stop production altogether in winter, others will shorten their runs. The situation is catastrophic for everyone. During this period, we will lack domestic vegetables. For Burgenland this means peppers and tomatoes, from the Vienna area it menas cucumbers," said Mario Almesberger of the Burgenland Chamber of Agriculture to
At the producer cooperative LGV Sonnengemüse, that has locations in Vienna as well as in Burgenland, for the time being there are no fears of supply bottlenecks due to production stops. "Enough gas is secured for next year, but they energy contracts are gradually expiring. The share of sales accounted for by glasshouse production is 30 to 40 percent in Burgenland, and 80 to 90 percent in Vienna," says LGV CEO Josef Peck.
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