The vegetable trade in general in the UK has been okay but challenging, according to Shane Talling, Director of Business and Development at Veg UK.
“Sizing is small in carrots, onions, and pumpkins due to the hot summer and drought. There is still a lot of the brassica crop in the ground, so there is a good supply to come after shortages in the summer. Quality is good, and now we have some good weather with decent rain and mild temperatures giving good growing conditions for the winter crops.”
In October, demand generally drops off as people start saving for Christmas. “This is even more so this year as the cost of living has increased so much. We supply mainly hospitality, and there are still more people ordering takeaways than going out to eat. That said, for the time of the year, demand is quite good. The kids are back at school this week after half-term, so things will pick up again.”
The increase in energy costs is also a major issue. Shane said that they would normally store products such as red and white cabbage but will be looking to try and sell a good percentage of the crop as storage cost would work out over an extra £100 per/t.
For more information:
Shane Talling
Veg UK
Tel: +44(0)1304 503003
[email protected]