In Kaduna, Northern Nigeria, the OCP Group has inaugurated a fertilizer blending plant. It is its first on the continent. Extending over 10 hectares, this facility houses a blending unit with a production capacity of 120 tons per hour. Then there is a 25,000-ton storage unit; a modern training center dedicated to the various partners; a laboratory equipped with the latest analysis technologies to ensure product quality control and soil analysis and characterization and a pilot farm for carrying out agronomic trials and training farmers.
The Director General of OCP Africa, Mohamed Anouar Jamali, attended the inauguration ceremony. He stated: “This installation is not only intended for the production of fertilizers, but also to have a profound impact on the agricultural value chain of the country”. “OCP Africa is committed to contributing to the transformation of the food system on the continent, and Nigeria represents a strategic hub for our group,” he added.
As one of the three fertilizer blending units planned in Nigeria (the other two are under construction in Ogun and Sokoto), this plant is part of the partnership between the OCP Group and the Nigerian government aimed at supporting the development of Nigerian farming.