Following consultation with the Crop Associations and other representative organizations involved with the fresh produce industry, there is overwhelming support for the establishment of a successor organization to take on the task of processing EAMU applications and Emergency Authorisations from AHDB, with effect from March 2023, when AHDB will cease this function.
The new organization, Horticultural Crop Protection Ltd (HCP), will be grower-owned, grower-led, and funded through a system of voluntary subscriptions. The horticulture industry has set up a working group to shape and guide the development of the new organization and is now in the process of agreeing on the governing documentation, drafting a three-year budget, and exploring the most appropriate and equitable cost-sharing model. The working group is also actively communicating with the grower base through a series of newsletters detailing progress to date.
The Group is in regular dialogue with Defra, who are supportive of the principle of growers taking on the responsibility for this important piece of work. Key to the future success of this initiative is funding. The network of Crop Associations and other representative organizations have, through their chairs, communicated to both AHDB and DEFRA support for the transfer of any residual funding from AHDB Horticulture to the successor organization through the auspices of British Growers.
Time is of the essence if the important work of processing EAMU applications is to continue after March 2023. The transfer of the residual funding from AHDB Horticulture for the benefit of the new organization will ensure the entire industry benefits from the funds raised from growers, for this purpose, through the continuation of a pipeline of future crop protection products.
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