The perimeters irrigated under greenhouse by geothermal water in the governorate of Gabes intended for the cultivation of early vegetables reached during this agricultural season 153 ha, whose production was estimated at 29,933 thousand tons, according to a document published by the local authority for agricultural development.
The exports of early geothermal cultivated in the localities of El Hamma and west El Hamma stood at 19,908 tons in the current season, against 21,501 tons in the 2020/2021 season, down 7.4%, due to the suspension of exports to Russia since March 2022, according to the document, a copy of which was received by TAP.
Regarding the agricultural season 2022/2023, the agricultural departments project the cultivation of more than 155 ha of early geothermal vegetables with an estimated production of 30 thousand tons, 22 thousand tons of which will be exported.
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