The production of dragon fruit is increasing every year. Dragon fruit is grown on an area of 130 decares in Alanya, which has become the production center of many kinds of tropical fruits. The planted saplings yield 1,250 kilograms of fruit in the first year and 6,250 kilograms in the second year.
Tropical fruits are produced in nearly 38 varieties in the Alanya district of Antalya and attract great attention in the domestic and international markets. Tropical fruits, which have started to be produced in large quantities in recent years, provide very good profits to the growers. The production area of dragon fruit in the district, which has started to attract great attention in the country and abroad, continues to increase year by year. Stating that dragon fruit has come to the fore recently, Alanya District Agriculture and Forestry Manager Mehmet Ruzgar said, "The production of dragon fruit is increasing rapidly. Dragon fruit is gradually being recognized. There is a lot of demand for dragon fruit from abroad."
Emphasizing that the yield of the fruit produced from the newly planted sapling increases every year, Ruzgar said, "We currently have a production area of 130 decares. There are red and white dragon fruits. It is a very serious antioxidant and diuretic fruit. It is very rich in vitamins and minerals. Currently, our production has reached 162.5 tons. One thousand two hundred fifty saplings can be planted in 1 decare area. Full yield is achieved after three years because the product is new planting. At the end of 3 years, we can get 8-12 kilograms of fruit from a tree. In the first year, we can get 1,250 kilograms of product per 1,000 square meters. In the second year, this increases to 6,250 kilograms. In the third year, it increases exponentially."
Pointing out that dragon fruit is a good source of income for the producers, the District Manager of Agriculture and Forestry said, "Currently, the dragon fruit is sold for 4.5 USD per fruit. As it increases in the market, the price decreases, but it has become a good source of income for our producers. "Dragon fruit goes to domestic consumption and abroad. There is more demand from abroad. The consumption of both tourists and local citizens has increased the interest in dragon fruit by the growers."
Source: Karaman Habercisi