Now that Autumn has officially begun, retailers wasted no time in steering shoppers towards even more fall favorites. Hard squashes, sweet potatoes, apples, and pumpkins were among the produce items widely promoted.
Total ad numbers this week were 278,418, a 2% decrease from last week's 282,993. The total for the same week last year was 11% higher than for this year. The total number of ads broken out by commodity groups: fruit 147,471 (53% of all ads), onions and potatoes 17,327 (6%), vegetables 109,773 (39%), herbs 2027, ornamentals 1126, and hemp 694. The number of ads for organic produce was 42,689, 15% of total ads.
The following are the prices of major advertised items (3,000 plus ads) this week, compared to the same week last year. Significant increases in price for fruit this week included yellow peaches at 44%, apple juice at 31%, Hass avocados at 26%, 3 lb tangerines at 19%, and raspberries at 16%.
Significant decreases included only mangoes at 11%. There were no significant changes in the price for onions and potatoes this week. Significant increases in price for vegetables included crown cut broccoli at 14% and cabbage and 10-12 oz salad, both at 11%. There were no significant decreases.
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