The earlier tomato prices hovering between Rs 30-40 per kg in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, have now gone up to Rs 80 per kg. About three months ago, tomato prices in the same city reached a staggering Rs 100 per kg but later dropped again. Other vegetables have also become more expensive in the city in recent days.
Capsicum is being sold at Rs 80 per kg, brinjal at Rs 40 per kg, onion at Rs 25, and cauliflower prices range between Rs 40-50 per kg. The prices of fruit have also gone up. For instance, the report mentions that apples are being sold at Rs 100 per kg.
Government data shows that India’s Wholesale Price Index had eased to 12.41 percent in August compared to 13.93 percent in July and 15.18 percent in June. Despite the easing in wholesale inflation figures, it continues to be in double digits for the 17th consecutive month starting from April 2021.
[ Rs100 = €1.30 ]