JNV Produce Marketing will see a change in ownership and management. Johan Vrijland of JNV Produce reports this in a letter sent to his relations:
"JNV Produce Marketing began in 1997. We now operate from our modern facility in Honderdland, in the heart of the distribution area of Maasdijk.
With the help and support of our long-standing UK customers and the commitment of a supply base of quality Dutch growers, we have developed into the successful company that is JNV today. I am proud of what we have all achieved together. Thank you for this.
My original concept of focussing only on the UK has proved to benefit all concerned with loyalty and subsequent rewards. A good reputation based on mutual trust is everything to JNV.
The specific reason for this note is to let you know of changes ahead in the management of JNV.
I have decided that the time has come to hand over the reigns of the business to a new ownership and management team. I will remain in the background in an advisory capacity but will cease day to day operations after the 1st of January 2022.
The most recent and major change has been the introduction of a new stakeholder.
Frits de Mooij is now the new owner of and MD of JNV. Frits is a young guy with energy. He shares the JNV principles and business ethic. Growing up in the fresh produce industry, he spent his early years in the Dutch wholesale markets.
Lennard van Antwerpen, 10 years UK market experienced and focussed on the UK market and Frits will work in the marketing roles. Leo de Jong remains in his role as backoffice. Mark Libregts continues as Manager of Quality Assurance.
We are pleased that Kevin Robinson has stated his intention to remain supporting the team in the UK as Technical Coordinator.
Personal thanks and best wishes to all these great people.
Thank you once again for your support and please do not hesitate to get in touch if you would like to.
Yours sincerely,
Johan Vrijland"
For more information:
Johan Vrijland
JNV Produce
Email: [email protected]