This study presents a monitoring system to provide real-time measurement data of hydroponic that is accessible from anywhere through the internet. Temperatures of nutrient solution and ambient air are of concern in the monitoring system. The system is developed through the following steps: design, implementation, and experimental test.
The system is built by applying a NodeMCU ESP-12 as the microcontroller and two temperature sensors DS18B20 The NodeMCU ESP-12 is to collect measurement data of both temperature sensors and send the data to a cloud server through a WiFi internet communication. The Google Sheets is applied as the cloud server to store the measurement data and provide the data to users. Using Google Sheets, the data is presented in a table as in Microsoft Excel which is very convenient for processing and analyzing the data.
Experimental test results show that the system is able to provide real-time and reliable data of the hydroponics temperatures that can be accessed from anywhere through the internet. The monitoring system has a delay of about 3 to 6 seconds in presenting the measurement data. This delay is quite small compared to the temperature change period and therefore is negligible. Moreover, the monitoring system is built at a cost of USD 6.0.
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Uddin, N & Hermawan, H & Darajat, T & Marwanto, S. (2021). Internet-based temperature monitoring system for hydroponic. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 922. 012017. 10.1088/1755-1315/922/1/012017.