Hard work deserves appreciation, especially in agriculture. As a sixth-generation farmer, Hannah Hayworth has been around agriculture her entire life but has truly come to appreciate it as the years go by. “The more that I get involved, the more I appreciate the work of our farmers, because none of it is easy,” she said.
Hannah’s family owns and operates HS Howell Farms LLC where she grew up and learned all about farming a variety of crops, especially greenhouse tomatoes, from her parents. Currently a 21-year-old senior at East Carolina University in Greenville, she is gaining all the experience she can on the family farm, where they grow many field and greenhouse fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, and corn.
Hannah really enjoys working with her family because they have a good time together. “We definitely make it memorable,” she said. “We work well with each other and try to have fun with it every day.”
A typical day
A typical day on the farm for Hannah depends on the season, but often includes a variety of tasks from helping in the greenhouses to marketing and social media. In the spring, she is busy ordering seeds and helping with the planting process. Then summertime brings the harvest and customers, as tour groups start coming to the farm to learn about the process and buy local products.
In addition to all that, Hannah is often helping get CSA boxes together and delivering them, posting to social media, managing the website, scooping ice cream in the store, and more. In fact, the farm has recently established a partnership with Nash County to provide produce boxes to senior citizens. These boxes are available to interested individuals ages 60 and up that live in Edgecombe, Halifax, and Nash counties. The farm also offers CSA boxes to their customers, no subscription required, 10 months out of the year.
The contents of the box are posted on the farm Facebook page each week and customers can decide if they wish to order or skip the week. All boxes include a variety of produce that is promised to be fresh and of the highest quality.
Read the complete article at www.info.ncagr.gov