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Spain imported 77.7 million kilos of pepper last season

According to the data prepared by Hortoinfo from the Estacom statistical service (Icex-Tax Agency), Spain imported 77.73 million kilos of peppers for €72.34 million and an average price of € 0.93/kg in the 2020/2021 campaign.

91.96% of the total volume, i.e. 71.48 million kilos, was imported from Morocco. The value of these purchases stood at €64.3 million, and the average price was €0.90/kg.

Morocco was followed by France, which sold 3.54 million kilos of peppers to Spain in the 2020/2021 campaign for €3.11 million and an average price of € 0.88/kg.

Portugal ranked third with 810,724 kilos of peppers for €1.19 million and an average price of €1.47/kg.

Imports by provinces
Almeria was the province that imported most peppers during the campaign. The companies from this province imported a total of 20.6 million kilos of peppers for €17.7 million and an average price of €0.86/kg.

It was followed by Murcia, which imported 14.5 million kilos of peppers for €11.79 million and an average price of €0.81/kg

Barcelona ranked third with a volume of 6.43 million kilos worth €6 million and an average price of €0.93/kg.


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