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Inverconec seeks to develop an app for comprehensive greenhouse production management

The Inverconec Operational Group aims to develop a digital tool that will allow comprehensive management of greenhouse production and achieve a traceability system for information related to sustainability. This initiative seeks to incorporate digitization in the production system of greenhouse crops to improve their efficiency. Agroplanning, a company specialized in precision agriculture, will contribute its experience in connectivity of agricultural vehicles, monitoring, and data analysis of production to this project.

Other companies and institutions that have an important link with the greenhouse sector and are committed to agri-food innovation, such as Coexphal, Anecoop, Proexport, the University of Almería, Hispatec, and Fundación Cajamar, will also participate in the project.

The innovation that this project intends to develop is entirely oriented to digitization processes and the use of advanced information analytics throughout the agri-food sector's value chain, using Big Data technologies to analyze and improve production and distribution processes.

The GO Inverconec project has a budget of €565,999.54. The European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) is funding 80% of the project and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food (MAPA) the remaining 20%, within the framework of the 2014-2020 National Rural Development Program. The initiative will last approximately 2 years and end in March 2023.

At present, a considerable percentage of greenhouse crops have a significant number of elements with sensors that are controlled automatically or semi-automatically. The use of agrochemicals, irrigation, and the environmental conditions in which the crop is developed largely depend on this control. However, there is no integrated system that allows working all the technologies that are currently installed in the greenhouses in a coordinated way.

Inverconec will allow optimizing and evaluating systems and devices that facilitate acquiring information with the least workload for producers. The objective is to standardize the data and achieve more transparent and rich traceability between producers, marketers, the administration, and consumers.

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