Last week, the Flemish government reached an agreement on a Flemish climate plan. One of the important points for greenhouse growers is that it has been decided to speed up the phasing out of CHP support on fossil fuels compared to the coalition agreement. Tomato grower Piet Coysman from Koolskamp reacts with disappointment: he invested in a CHP.
"We made that investment a few years ago in the belief that we were engaging with energy in a sustainable way, but now time has caught up with us. For me specifically, it will live out its days, but for new colleagues with new greenhouses, who have counted on a working life of 30 years, it is a serious problem."
The practical implementation effects of the agreement and the starting date are the subject of a consultation to be organized with the sector, according to interest group Boerenbond.
Flanders wants to reduce CO2 emissions by 40% by 2030. Originally, there was talk of 35%.