The International Peatland Society (IPS) will hold a networking event on "Peatland Partnerships in Climate Change Mitigation and Nature Recovery" on Friday, 5 November 2021 at 11:30-13:00 UTC+0 at the COP26 Peatland Pavilion in Glasgow, Scotland, and virtually.
The program and key messages of the speakers can be found below and at
To follow the event online and in real-time, register via
In addition, the IPS has set up its own COP26 Peatland Portal as part of the virtual Peatland Pavilion that can be accessed online anytime at This contains the most important facts, recent science presentations, and policy papers on peat and peatlands on a global scale.
Most of the presentations are now available on the website of the IPS, in particular, at Changes due to Covid-19 may apply.
This week up to 30,000 decision-makers, politicians, NGOs, activists, and media meet in Glasgow for the 26th Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). The IPS as an observer NGO is present at the Peatland Pavilion of the Global Peatlands Initiative (GPI). The IPS Vice Presidents, Guus van Berckel and Professor Jack Rieley attend the COP26 as accredited persons on behalf of the IPS, and Dr. Alue Dohong from Indonesia will open the IPS event on Friday.
In addition, the IPS contributes with its own Peatland Portal website to the virtual pavilion of GPI. We have collected the most important information on peat and peatlands, including the presentations of the International Peatland Congress, the Strategy for Responsible Peatland Management, the Wise Use of Mires and Peatlands, and the Peatlands and Climate Change books, as well as data on the extent and use of peatlands, and their role in the economy and society. This information may be found on a special subpage of our website for the duration of COP26. The portal can be accessed at
For more information:
International Peatland Society
Susann Warnecke
Acting Secretary General
[email protected]