Genson Lost Fruits is fighting against the waste of 'second class' strawberries and raspberries by processing the residual flow into drinks. The fruit grower from Sint-Oedenrode now wants to invest in its own production space in order to immediately process the fruits after harvesting into liqueur, (low) gin, or champagne under its own brand ODAVI. This prevents quality loss and unnecessary transport movements.
They are not only concerned with their own residual flows, but in the long term also about those of other growers. For this, the company is awarded a voucher by the Foundation Together Against Food Waste in cooperation with Rabobank, the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, and the Regional Development Agencies.
Saskia van der Laan, business solutions manager of Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling, presented the voucher to Mari van den Heuvel, co-owner of Genson Group.
Own brand
Genson Lost Fruits sells fruits that are too small, large, or misshapen to the food industry or processes them into liqueur, gin, low-gin, and bubbles under its own brand ODAVI. In total, this includes about 300 tonnes of strawberries and 15 tonnes of raspberries a year.
Mari van den Heuvel, co-owner of Genson Group, is happy with the voucher: "This helps us to realize our own production space to process residual streams into ODAVI drinks. In addition, we will set up an experience area with a view of the fields and the production area. This way, we can take our guests into the world of plant and production, to processing residual streams, in an educational way. In time, we also want to develop new products to process other growers' residual flows in our production area."
New voucher budget in 2022
Samen Tegen Voedselverspilling (Working Together Against Food Waste), together with the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Rabobank, and the Regional Development Agencies, established the voucher scheme to stimulate innovations against food waste. Companies can use a voucher to hire experts, develop a business case, or scale up an innovation to production level. The voucher scheme reimburses half of the project costs, the other half being borne by the company itself.
The annual budget for the 2021 widened voucher scheme has been allocated. The scheme is closed and will be reopened in 2022. Applications for a knowledge voucher from Wageningen Research can still be submitted.