The NPPO of France recently informed the EPPO Secretariat of the first detections of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus (Begomovirus, ToLCNDV – EPPO Alert List) on its territory.
The virus was detected in 3 locations in Bouches-du-Rhône department (Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region) in September 2020 and in 1 location is Gard department (Occitanie region): - in 2 companies producing and trading seed in an outdoor plot of courgette (Cucurbita pepo) (7400 m² and 1500 m² respectively) not intended for commercial seed production. - in 2 outdoor plots for fruit production of Cucurbita pepo (4000 m² and 4800 m²).
Symptoms (leaf mosaic) were observed in 30-50% of plants in the plots for fruit production. All plants in the infested plots were uprooted and destroyed. Insecticide treatments against the vector were applied. Investigations to trace back the origin of the outbreaks are underway.
The pest status of tomato leaf curl New Delhi virus in France is officially declared as: Transient, actionable, under eradication.
Source: NPPO of France (2020-10) via EPPO.