In the Czech Republic, tomato mottle mosaic virus (Tobamovirus, ToMMV) was first detected in September 2020 during a pre-export inspection in seed crops in Southern Moravia. ToMMV was detected in 2 tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) fields and 1 capsicum (Capsicum annuum) field. No symptoms of virus infection were observed in any of these fields.
Tracing-back studies have shown that in all cases, plants had been grown from seeds produced from the same area in 2015 and 2016. These seed crops had been inspected and had not shown any symptoms. Further tracing back studies are ongoing to identify the source of infection. No phytosanitary measures were taken.
The pest status of tomato mottle mosaic virus in the Czech Republic is officially declared as follows: Present, only in some parts of the Member State concerned.
Source: EPPO