Toronto based CO2 GRO has successfully installed and commissioned a CO2 Delivery Solutions system at one of Hidroexpo’s 1-hectare pepper greenhouse in El Salvador. The commercial feasibility, previously announced on August 26th, 2020, is due to run until mid-2021.
A successful commercial feasibility using Hidro’s existing misting infrastructure would open GROW’s market potential to not only Hidro’s thirty-six 1-hectare greenhouses (3.8 million sq. ft. in total) but also other greenhouses in hot climates that have installed similar misting systems to cool their plants. GROW’s CO2 Delivery Solutions technology, with the support of Hidro’s contractors, was successfully installed and commissioned despite the ongoing COVID-19 related travel restrictions.
According to John Archibald, GROW’s CEO, “We are very pleased that the CO2 Delivery Solutions system has been successfully installed and is now operational at the Hidroexpo pepper greenhouse. We look forward to a successful Commercial Feasibility in the expectation it will lead to the purchase of a system for the greenhouse as well as significant opportunities with the thirty-five additional 1-hectare Hidroexpo greenhouses and other similar greenhouse growers in Central and South America. We have learned to execute projects virtually with customers and local contractors during COVID-19 related travel constraints, thus lowering our installation costs and facilitating the penetration of markets we could otherwise have not accessed.”