Special attention is being paid to the development of greenhouse complexes in the Almaty region in Kazakhstan. As of today, the majority of such complexes use most contemporary technologies. Thus, Ecoproductplus, a fully automated greenhouse complex located in the Uygur area, works in accordance with the Turkish technologies, thanks to which they are planning to collect 500 tons of produce per year.
According to the director of the Ecoproductplus, local entrepreneur Mr. R. Basitov, the greenhouse complex is equipped with a climate control system, allowing them to maintain a stable temperature all year round. The construction of the greenhouse complex began in April 2019; the launch took place in October of the same year. The acreage of the complex specializing in growing cucumbers, tomatoes and onions, comprises 1.5 ha. Most of the produce is sold to the local market and to the neighboring states. The greenhouse employs 15 associates.
In all, there are 13 greenhouses functioning in the Uygur area at the moment. Last year, the overall acreage of the greenhouse complexes increased by 15%, having reached 12 ha.
According to the data of the Department for the Agriculture of the Almaty region, there are 101.1 ha of registered greenhouse in the area. As of October 1, they have collected 24.5 thousand tons of produce, mostly tomatoes and cucumbers.
Source: dknews.kz