Today the winners are announced at the virtual opening of GreenTech Live & Online. The winners in 3 categories – out of a total of 26 entries – of the GreenTech Innovation Awards 2020 are: ISO Grade 8000 by ISO Group, Nexus High Performance Reverse Osmosis by Van der Ende Groep and CELINE by CE-Line BV.
Chairwoman Liselotte de Vries (TU Delft AgTech Institute) explains: “The 3 winning innovations looked beyond their own organization and clearly illustrated how their innovation is expected to disrupt the entire chain. The presentations and statements were backed up with numbers/figures. Working with partners was also a parameter that helped the winners to higher grades. The winners introduced a new approach or concept, while others improved existing practices”.
Category Innovation: ISO Group with the product ISO Grade 8000
The ISO Grade 8000 is a machine that is able to sort young plants based on Artificial Intelligence and 3D imaging. With the newest techniques in AI the grower is able to sort on a lot of different characteristics of the plant which makes the sorting process way more accurate and with the unique gripper technique it is possible to pick up young plants and replace them in an empty tray.
Jury comments:
1. “Working together with a strategic partner”
2. “Impressive technology combination”
Category Sustainability: Van der Ende Groep with the product Nexus High Performance Reverse Osmosis
The Nexus High Performance Reverse Osmosis (HPRO) is a water desalination system that uses less energy and gives a higher recovery rate than a conventional RO system, using smart machining technology. It makes use of the water source in a more efficient and responsible way, resulting in lower consumption of raw water and less waste water.
- Jury comments:
1. “Great idea using AI to increase the RO efficiency”
2. “More innovative and high expected impact on sustainability”
This is the second time Van der Ende Groep wins the GreenTech Sustainability Award. Two years ago, Poseidon sodium extractor won the award for most sustainable innovation.
Read more about the system here.
Main stage
Van der Ende Groep presents two interesting topics at the Main stage during GreenTech Live & Online 2020. They will talk about managing the greenhouse climate when the screens are fully closed and about water scarcity and how to deal with this. On both topics, they will discuss the most important challenges, the latest techniques to overcome these challenges and what the future will bring us.
- How to manage temperature and humidity in modern greenhouses in a sustainable and effective way?
Tuesday 20 October 18:00-18:30 hr CET
Speakers: Lex van der Ende and Ferry van der Ende
- What is the impact of water scarcity or lack of quality water in the horticulture and how to manage this in the most efficient way?
Wednesday 21 October 18:00-18:30 hr CET
Speakers: Micha van Nieuwkerk and Luuk Tetteroo
Please go to the GreenTech Live & Online 2020 website to register your visit.
Category Concept: CE-Line BV with the product CELINE
The irrigation water can be adjusted as wanted. All nutrients are measured continuously, real-time, with CELINE. This real-time data, combined with an individual nutrient dosing system makes it possible to create the ideal irrigation water which is always stable and controllable, no matter the circumstances. 5% yield increase Improved crop quality Reduces water and fertilizers Remote control.
Jury comments:
1. “Good idea that has not been solved yet”
2. “Good for nutrient and water savings in real time”
3. “Great step forward in high precision fertilization. Knowing what the plant uses at certain climate conditions will help reduces over fertilization and waste. might also be a great tool in getting more understanding of how your plants in certain conditions”
For more information: Van der Ende Groep
Aartsdijkweg 23
2676 LE Maasdijk
+31 174 51 50 50
[email protected]