Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation D.N. Patrushev held a videoconferencing meeting with representatives of the Association “Greenhouses of Russia” and the Fruit and Vegetable Union.
Within the framework of the meeting, the following issues were discussed: “On the development and implementation of a mechanism for subsidizing energy costs of greenhouse complexes that carry out year-round production of vegetables in greenhouses using supplementary lighting technology.”
“On the improvement of measures of state support for greenhouse vegetable growing and mushroom growing, including the provision of unrelated support to greenhouse and mushroom growing complexes per unit of cultivation area, or per kg of production; reimbursement of part of the direct costs incurred for the creation and modernization of greenhouse complexes in the Far Eastern, Siberian, and Northwestern Federal Districts."
In addition, the issue of developing interaction with retail chains was discussed.
The meeting from the Association was attended by: President of the Association, member of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues – A.V. Sitnikov, General Director of the Association – N.D. Rogova, Vice-President of the Association, General Director of JSC GK Gorkunov – B.V. Gorkunov, Vice President of the Association, General Director of LLC Greenhouse complex “Maisky” – I.G. Ganiev, Owner of LLC Agrocomplex “Churilovo” – S.E. Vainshtein, General Director of ZAO Agrofirma Vyborzhets – A.P. Zaklepkin, executive director of Victoria Estate Management Company – V.V. Rostov, General Director of OOO Ovoshchevod – Yu.V. Sudarev, General Director of LLC “Agrokultura Group” – V.N. Chernyshev, Vice-President of the Association – A.V. Alexandrov.
For more information:Greenhouses of Russia