For over 90 years, Lambert Peat Moss Inc. has been offering a wide range of peat-based products from various grade of Canadian Sphagnum Peat moss to one of its assorted ready to use professional mixes. Lambert Peat Moss has been dedicated to meet the special needs of professional horticulturists, nursery growers, greenhouse growers, vegetable producers or amateurs around the world.
"Because we want to meet and exceed the expectations of our customers, we make sure we choose only high-quality ingredients after a rigorous selection on the bench test by our quality control department," explains Frederic Gagnon, Lambert’s agronomist.
In addition to their regular product line, Lambert Peat Moss also offers commercial growers its exclusive Ecopeat Plus+, a highly fibrous natural wood fiber collected from the company's peat bogs. "Depending on the desired characteristics they’re looking for, growers can choose from our Ecopeat Plus+ as a stand-alone product or from our complete line of ready-to-use Ecopeat Plus+ Mixes (EPM)," Frederic adds. "If you want exceptional balance of air space and water retention capacity, with superior structure longevity and minimal shrinkage, EPM mixes will be the best products to look for. The different formulations are suitable either for interior or exterior production."
With their special way of screening and then blending their professional peat grade with those selected components, the company can achieve a unique consistency for the professional growers. "Lambert wants to make sure that your mix is always exactly the same, batch after batch, year after year. That consistency allows you to keep the same formula on site so you can produce successful crop," Frederic says.
"That’s why quality is our top priority. Our quality control department performs continuous sampling and analysis during the production of your mix. Each sample is analyzed for pH at three different incubation stages and the same for the electrical conductivity. Particle size distribution, moisture content and yield complete the criteria we constantly evaluate. We make sure that each cubic foot of your mix is in total conformity with all our specifications. If one of these points is not completely encountered, it will not be released for delivery by the laboratory staff. Only top-of-quality product will leave our yard."
Help is at hand
However, as each nursery and greenhouse experiences various environments and each season is different, some “issues” or specific conditions can occur. "You can rely on Lambert’s team to help you resolve your issues," Frederic assures. "By customizing your mix for a specific rate of CRF formulation, incorporating a biofungicide or producing a specific pH order, to name a few, it makes your production easier. We own a complete on-site lab so we can perform soil analysis for you at different stages of your crop to see the evolution of the situation and target what’s going on."
Lambert has sales representatives almost worldwide. "With most of them experienced growers or nurseries owners themselves, in the past, they will be able to listen about what you’ve been experiencing and help you gather information to find the perfect solution and resolve any issue," says Frederic.
"Moreover, Lambert has developed a large efficient and versatile distribution network ready to make the impossible to deliver the product at your door in an incomparable timeframe. The constant commitment to improve and optimize its customer service allows us to adapt quickly to the requirements of our customers."
For more information:Lambert Peat Moss Inc.
Richard De Quesada, International Sales Manager
[email protected]