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Pro Agri

Pachino PGI tomato packaging company sums up 2019

"2019 will be remembered as an intense and rewarding year for the results achieved and for our numerous initiatives, but above all, for the value of the marketed production". These are particularly significant thoughts, given the not most favorable time for the horticulture sector, highlighted by Giovanni Iuvara, administrator of ProAgri di Ispica (RG), which operates in the territory of the Pachino PGI tomatoes.

The Sicilian entrepreneur revealed a sneak preview for Freshplaza, on the upgrade his company has accomplished over the last few years in terms of quality, which has resulted in innovative solutions, like the new and efficient warehouse we visited some months ago, just a few days after its inauguration.

"This year ProAgri excelled particularly also for this summer's production performance at full capacity - affirmed the director - but our proudest achievement is the implementation of a five-year investment plan aimed at renewing the production lines: a necessary measure to modernize the processing of products in the new operating headquarters, inaugurated in September. In addition, some new production facilities have been optimized to achieve greater production capacity and flexibility".

"The development of activities and the constant attention on the marketed production volumes, fully expresses our intention to be part of a complex organization" - explained the manager. "Among our suppliers, we rely on a group of companies that, in tandem with ProAgri, strongly believe in teamwork. Actually, we are a role model in representing a part of the supply chain that is able to act as a team".

+20% last year alone
"A first year-end review, although not definitive, shows a growth of 20% compared to 2018 - said Iuvara - We achieved € 15.000.000 in turnover, which makes us one of the reference companies of the territory".

"However, it is not only the economic and financial balance sheet that is important: we are very pleased that we have recently been able to expand the workforce with new recruits. In a rather difficult socio-economic context, this represents an added value for the sector, but also for our territory, which can and must best express all its potential, not yet fully manifested".

"Finally, we want to emphasize the improvement of job security - concluded the specialist - and a more effective management of the logistics and processes which, added to the other improvements listed so far, confirm ProAgri's solidity and extraordinary progress in achieving value, supported by our partners who have identified in our vision and agreed in reaching the same goals."

ProAgri Srl
SP 50 Bufali – Marza Ispica 
97014 Ispica (RG) - ITALY
Tel.: +39 335206800
Email: [email protected]


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